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Pond Liner How-to's

How to Seam Pond Liner

Step #1 Layout the Liner
Layout the sections of liner to be seamed. Overlap ends 6” – 12”
Step #2 Clean the Seam Area
Lift the top liner. Use gasoline & thoroughly clean the seam area
Step #3 Mark the Seam Area
With the top liner down, use a crayon or lightly score with scissors, the seam area on the bottom liner. Raise the top liner in preparation for priming.
Step #4 Prime the Seam Area
Prime both liners. On the bottom liner, prime an area ¼” above the mark, approximately 6” – 8” wide. Prime a matching area on the top liner.
Step #5 Apply 3” Double Stick
Apply 3” double sided tape to the bottom liner, pressure rolling as you go to eliminate air bubbles or wrinkles.
Step #6 Smooth the Seam
With the double stick paper still on, replace the top liner and pressure roll the seam.
Step #7 Seal the Seam
Slit the double stick tape in the center. Overlap the liners & carefully remove the paper, pulling off the tape from between the liners at a 45º angle, one side at a time.
Step #8 Apply 6” Single Stick
Prime an area 6” wide spaced evenly over the exposed edge of the seam. Apply 6” tape over primer.
Step #9 Roll and Seal Forever
Thoroughly pressure roll the 6” tape and generously apply lap sealant along both edges of the 6” tape.
Step #10 Allow the Seam to Dry
Allow the seam to dry thoroughly before contact with water.

How to Penetrate Pond Liner for Pumps

Step #1 Locate
Determine the ideal location to penetrate the liner. Avoid areas near rocks or other in-water features. Penetration should be at least 6” away from pumps or filters.
Step #2 Mark
Mark the area where the hole will be cut by placing the hose against the liner. Trace the outline of the hose with a crayon or score lightly with scissors. Important – the hole size must be two thirds of the size of the pipe. A larger hole risks leaking; a small hole may cause the liner to rip when the pipe is inserted.
Step #3 Cut
Make a clean, even cut in the liner. It is very important that the cut is even and smooth – a rough cut could result in the liner splitting at the cut.
Step #4 Insert
Working from the ground side – outside the pond – carefully insert the pipe through the hole. Move the needed length of pipe through the hole at a 90º angle to the liner.
Step #5 Clean & Prime
Clean the liner and pipe adjacent to the hole with gasoline. Prime the joint area thoroughly.
Step #6 Cut & Install a Collar
Cut a strip 1” wide, long enough to wrap the liner and pipe at the penetration, from 6” sealing tape. Wrap this “collar” around the joint, half on the liner and half on the pipe, smooth out any air bubbles, and secure with a hose clamp.
Step #7 Cut & Install a Guard
Cut a second strip 2”, long enough cover the hose clamp, from 6” sealing tape. Wrap the tape around the hose clamp. This creates a “guard” over the hose clamp to prevent harming fish and to keep water out of the clamp.
Step #8 Prime and Seal
Prime an area 6” wide, centered on the hose clamp, to the pipe and liner. Apply lap sealant.
Step #9 Backfill Around the Pipe
Completely backfill and tamp down the earth in the area where the pipe penetrates the liner. Any voids in the earth will cause the liner to stretch and risks leaking.
Step #10 Allow Joint to Dry
Allow joint to dry thoroughly before contact with water.

Determine Pond Liner Size and Gallons

Select your pond shape and enter the dimensions for your planned finished pond size. Note: Standard pond depth is 1.5 feet. Koi ponds require a depth of 3 feet.

*Max Length in Feet:
*Max Width in Feet:
*Average Depth in Feet:
Estimated Surface Area: sq ft.
Estimated Water Volume: Gallons
Liner size: x Feet
Max Koi Count: Koi
Min. Pump Size: GPH
Total Acre Feet:


PolyGuard PVC Pond Liner

When building your water feature, PVC liner is a cost efficient choice and has a great range of flexibility when needed. The standard warranty is 5 years for PVC liner,  however,  extended sun exposure may cause deterioration. Extend the life of your pond liner by covering the liner above water level.


Pond Liner is the foundation for any Koi pond, water garden or waterfall. When building your water feature PVC liner is a cost efficient choice and has a great range of flexibility when needed. 

- Adapts readily to pond and pondless waterfalls
- Attaches easily to waterfalls, weirs and skimmers
- Certified fish and wildlife safe
- 5 year warranty*


*Don't forget to extend the life of your liner by adding Underlayment!

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